
Please read the following in respect to booking:



  • A member of our Customer Service Team will meet you at the main entrance. Please do not enter the site until you have been met by a member of the team.
  • 我们的工作人员会和您在指定日期和时间在大楼门口见面。请不要自行进入大楼物业。
  • Only one purchaser inspection is permitted prior to settlement. We also recommend you bring a measuring tape should you need to confirm areas for furniture.
  • 每位买家只有一次交割前的验房机会。我们建议您自行携带皮尺等测量工具以便您安排家具购买事宜。
  • A maximum of three (3) people to attend the inspection.
  • 每次看房最多只允许3名人员在场
  • Please ensure you arrive on time, as appointments are booked back to back. Unfortunately, if you arrive more than 15 minutes late, the Customer Service Team will be unable to show you your new home and you will be required to make an alternate booking.
  • 请您按邮件确认的日期和时间准时到达。我们将在现场等您最多15分钟,超时的话,您将需要重新预约时间。
  • Flat closed toe shoes are worn (no high heels or thongs will be permitted on-site).
  • 为了您的安全,请您到现场的时候不要穿露出脚趾的鞋子 (不允许高跟鞋或拖鞋)
  • No children under 12 years of age are permitted to attend the inspection.
  • 12岁以下的儿童将不允许到现场验房
  • This page is designated for submitting your request, a formal confirmation will be sent to you via email and/or phone.
  • 请注意,此页面为提交您的需求意向,我们会通过电子邮件/电话和您确认最后的细节。
Moseley Booking

Preferred Date and Time 日期和时间

Please list at least two preferred date and time below

Important Note 重要提醒

This page is designated for submitting your request, a formal confirmation will be sent to you via email and/or phone.
